The Heart of the matter…

There is a fine line between being non-judgmental, and enabling someone, so as to appear non- judgmental. Though I never want to pass judgement on how someone lives their life, I do tend to become concerned when I see a behavior, they have adopted, which appears antagonistic, pernicious, or sinister like. For me it’s not so much what you do in your life, but how your heart stirs you to react, or not to react in your life, when it relates to others. In other words, how you are treating others. What you do, or not do, no doubt, is between you and God. But using, abusing, or being a menace to someone because you, for some reason, or another, are jealous, resentful, or simply care only about yourself…., concerns me and rattles my soul to no end.

A peace needs to stir in the hearts of those who hold these misguided, ill-behaved characteristics. And those hearts who are affected need to be safeguarded.  Not only because it usually is unwarranted, but because the origin which perpetuates these tendencies usually originates with someone who has been out of the picture, for what may seem like to others, a life time. For not only are those who are being affected, being mistreated, but they don’t even have a clue, as to why…. And on top of that are asked to turn the other cheek. But we many times overlook the transgressions of others. We know, none of us are without sin who are able to cast the first stone. And because we know this to be true, it weighs heavy on our conscious. We don’t want to be considered the person who points fingers. Just as we know, we are in no position to pass judgement, we also know, when we do point, we are forgetting the things we have done which equally personify ourselves as unfavorable. So, when does it become necessary to intervene? Perhaps this is what encouraged the government to build a force to protect those who were unable to protect themselves. For many of us are not equipped. Especially since those persons who carry this venomous trait are more than likely wolves, and not sheep as the naked eye would believe. Someone only a trained eye is able to identify. Maybe the person on the receiving end is weak; at their wits end as to how to deal with situations such as these. For whatever reason, to witness this is just as unbearable for the person directly agitated, as it is for the person looking on. And for this reason alone, is very difficult to maintain a reaction that is neither judgmental, or biased when it relates to the attacker.

If all the adversity in the world stemmed from others wanting what someone else has…. or wanting to be or appear to be like someone else…. Or even, resenting the fact, purely from their own perspective, another person slightly appearing to be better than themselves is so abundant in this world, what does this say for human kind? In James 3:16, it is written, “wherever there is jealous and selfish ambition, there you will find disorder and evil of every kind.” When you think about it, only feelings such as these could be derived from evil. Why else would someone be angry at someone who has done them no harm.   Kind of leads you to believe, considering the mentality of mankind, we are doomed. Perhaps if we all had blinders and prayed for each other the world would be a better place. We can’t hate who we don’t see. And if we constantly pray for each other, it can only result in love. My new favorite scripture, 1 Corinthians 16:14, “Let all that you do, be done in love”…, in a nutshell.