Be a Humbler…

There are two types of people in this world…, the “givers”, and the “takers”. Well, maybe three, for those of us who refuse to be either. I will call them the “performers”. At some point, whether it is because of one event, or a string of events, our inner sprits diminish out of hurt, anger, and, or frustration. In my heart, I believe we all start out as givers. God, the greatest giver of them all, gave His only son, so that we could live an eternal life (John 3:16). Surely because we are God’s temple, and His spirit lives within us (1 Corinthians 3:16), we too, are givers by nature. So, with God’s grace we are loving, and kind, open with our feelings, like a child as they say. But then it happens. The events which change our lives forever, or so we are led to believe, “doomed forever”, begin to change our spirits. Our choices, as we see it at the time, are either to stay a giver, and carry the brunt of the event, in frustration, filling ourselves with anger and pain. Or to become a taker, thereby transforming to a hardcore reinvention of our broken selves. Or even worse, becoming a player, performing in a one man show, convincing the world we are ok. Which do we choose?

How about none of the above. It does not matter whose spirit, was diminished by whom first. Whether it happened to be a taker who later betrayed a giver, who then later conformed to becoming a performer, only to later turn around, to craftily deceive another taker. In the end, we are all effected by the baggage we choose to carry. And, yes, it is unfortunate, violations of our spirits do occur. So then, we ask ourselves, “how should we brave these misfortunes? Should we hide…, give up hope, ultimately feeling the need to end it all? More so, become too embarrassed, and, or overwhelmed to reach out for help? For most, our first inclination is to fight. But if we are so laden with hurt, and we have not the strength to fight, what do we do? Or, maybe the notion to fight is easier, since we come from a line of fighters, and this is all we know. And so, we fight, so as not to appear weak. Or, we fight, because, like so many of us, we have a family to support, and others who look up to us, and so, careful not to tarnish the reputation of the family, we perform the lead in our one man show, and fight, to keep from exposing ourselves.
As children of a kind and loving God, we should also be kind, loving, and compassionate. We should be so filled with the word of God, that the task of orchestrating steps to harm our brothers and sisters in Christ, or anyone for that matter, should not even cross our mind. In Colossians 3:12, it is said to be gentle, and patient to those whom God loves. No man is any better than the next, especially if we love the Lord, that we are unable to humble ourselves to do what is asked of us. If Jesus can die on the cross for our sins, forgiving His trespassers, we can certainly treat our brethren with honor and respect, despite how they may treat us. And the pain, and hurt we have endured which we are now setting aside in order to honor those who have hurt us, will slowly fade away because God will then give us the strength when He sees us honoring His children, for we are thereby honoring His word. Rising above it all. Can you think back to a time, when we were free to just love? No worries as to the nature of adverse circumstances. Just unconditionally spreading love to any, and all you meet. Knowing…, God loves you. Having no animosity towards one another. Being strong, because God loves you. Focusing on God’s word, and humbling ourselves, and perhaps even praying for those who we see have not quite received the blessing of how valuable God’s word can enhance their lives. Yes, we can continue to hurt each other, causing the “flight or fight” paranoia. Or we can be the domino, which stands firm on God’s word, believing no weapon which forms against us will prosper because we believe in His words, releasing fear, to love and embrace, even when not reciprocated. Which should we choose? Choose to be a humbler…