
My heart goes out to the bravehearts in Houston. To all the country, whose lands, at times, suffer uninvited destruction, I say you are the bravest of the brave. We are all familiar with the downtrodden areas Mother Nature and her threats of destruction tend to revisit repeatedly throughout the year. She takes us by surprise, as she aimlessly whips through our cities appearing as if she were angry with the world. We know she means no harm, for she is Mother Nature. But just as some of us often do, regress, and forget our bearings, so too, does she, mother of all elements. She had her moments, back in time, but never like this. Now billions of years later, her demeanor lends itself to question, and we must be strong, due to these circumstances which are beyond our control. But truly, if we have faith, no matter where we live we will push through the pain and suffering. For God will gather his children and remind us not to fear, or be dismayed by our circumstances, for he will help us and give us strength (Isaiah 41:10).

It is unfortunate, though, the only time we stand united is when we are hit by a temperamental force of nature. Mother nature plays on our intelligence, unfortunately at the expense of others. Her feigned illness is only a ploy to pull us together. As we cry for mercy, she becomes even worst, as if to say, “Where is the mercy I seek?” She thinks, “How do you think I feel, when I look down at those I have nestled beneath my breast, only to find they are filled with hatred and bigotry?” There is no rhyme or reason in her destruction. We banter back and forth, spewing hatred towards one another. In Proverbs 13:3, it is said, it is those who guard their tongue, who have real life, but those who speak hurriedly, without foundation, or consideration pertaining to the intent of their thoughts, it is they who shall perish. For some of us we feed on the gratification that the ones we dislike are justifiably getting what they deserve. We have heard so many times, in and of itself, the color of our blood is not unique. So why do we still act as though we are different? We still find ourselves at war with each other, whether the matter relates to race, religion, or sexual orientation, the end never justifies the mean. I would like to think, those who are swept away by her raft, were taken away because of God’s mercy. Why should we all have to live in a chaotic world, filled with people who have no regard for each other. People who would rather disregard their brethren in order to satisfy their own insanity, in an attempt to justify their ignorance. But while their ignorance is justified, where is the justification for those who are no longer with us? It is in our hearts we know, though it may not be justification for those left behind, it is assuredly justification for those who are no longer here, for they are much happier than we could ever be in this world of hatred. I would say we will rejoice with them as they journey home to our Fathers house.

Heavenly Father, this prayer is for every quake which fails to waken us… For every drop of rain which we have sand bagged in our minds, because our land, nor our conscious, could no longer endure the flood. For every twisted wind which seeks to capture everything in its path, to include the innocent bystanders. For every ember left simmering on the charred horizon, and everything smoldered beneath, we will say wake up… to our nation who has seemed to forget their place. For it is not Mother Nature who has regressed, but we, God’s children, who do nothing but fuss and fight, and treat each other with hatred and no respect. Paul reminds us, in Philippians 2:1-5, of Jesus, and his love which permeates within us. He says his one desire would be for us to take that love, and embrace each other in becoming like – minded, and treat each other as our Savior has taught us to treat each other. We are all god’s people, indivisible by the blood of Jesus. So, I pray;

Dear God, have mercy on our souls. Thank you, Father, for delivering us from our delirious state, and have mercy on Your land you once revered. We give you glory for the lives which are spared. Though Your children who inhabit this land are being abusive towards one another, we refuse to be broken by our sickness. We think you that our hearts are still filled with hope, knowing you have not forsaken us. As we patiently wait to be rescued, and place our hope in you Lord, not man, but You……we will be given the wings like the eagles in the sky, for we know as we hope in you, our strength is being renewed. In Jesus name, I pray……. Amen…