Missing the Point…

If I told you God heals sickness, would you believe me. If I said he can restore relationships, would you trust him? If I told you God can supply your every need, would you cease worry of any, and all future needs? When victory is spoken, what is heard? Do we hear people speaking grandiose accomplishments of themselves? People brainwashed by religion, not fully understanding, or believing what they are even saying themselves? We are all cut from the same cloth, stemming from the beginning of time with Adam and Eve. But our triumphs depend on our choices, and what we choose to believe. And though we are all children of God, and all sinners, for in Romans 3:10, it is said no one is free from sin, so we all, have the same opportunity to be saved. But if we choose not to believe, then we cannot receive it. As it is said in Matthew 12:32, “And whoever speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven.”  For that which prevents us from receiving His grace is our renunciation of the power of the Holy Spirit. For others who received the message, were once like those who have missed it. All of us being sinners, and graced by God because of God’s sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, can have the same glory. So, what are we failing to hear and understand? What point are we missing?

Sometimes in conversation, we tend to miss the point others are trying to convey. We either are stifled by our beliefs of long ago, or too afraid to think otherwise, fearful of the effect it might have on our current way of life. When I speak of God, it is not about me and my triumphs. It is about God saving me from a life of strife. It is about His mercy. It is about His unbelievable power which unfortunately can only be seen by those who have the Holy Spirit. But the only way to have the Holy Spirit is to believe it exist. As Peter spoke in Acts 2:38, “Each one of you must turn away from your sins, and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, so that your sins will be forgiven; and you will receive God’s gift, the Holy Spirit.  But what if we are not baptized. Would we then not receive the Holy Spirit? Unless you are a child, you cannot have one without the other. Of course, if a child is baptized and grows up to then reject the teachings of Christ, and the Holy Spirit, would he too, then miss the point, and miss out on His abundant grace and mercy? Just as in Galatians 3:5, it is said, it is not the works that awards us grace, and the mighty power of God to work in our life, but our faith in God, thus believing in, and receiving of the Holy spirit. So then is baptism works, or faith, believing the water will wash away our sins? In James 2:17, it is said, “Faith, if it has no works is dead”. But if Galatians works pertain to mere faith, and James and Peter’s works pertains to initiating an action because of one’s faith, I will suppose, an exercising of one’s faith is all the works needed to gain access to the Holy Spirit.

It is said, God will forgive us over and over, for all that is asked of us is to confess our sins. His one desire is for us to live a life free from evil and darkness. That we walk in a manner which Jesus walked the earth when He was alive. Helping others. Loving others. Forgiving others, as He forgives us, while simplifying our journey, with an added gift of His spirit to help us along the way… How merciful is that? I feel if many of us succumbed to believing in the Holy spirit, and His merciful love of forgiveness, a forgiveness that is never ending, regardless of how many times we may sin, we would see the same victories overcome by those who have surrendered to Him completely. I bet the point then, would be well received.