He heals and restore – Because He loves us… & He is our Father

God is an awesome God. I do not know how He does what He does, or why He is doing, what He is doing in my life, but I am grateful. Well…, I guess I do know why. Because He loves me. If taken note, we can see the many times, He has answered our prayers. He loves the humor in it all. It brings Him joy to see our faces, when we realize just how much He loves us. When we let go, and rest in Him, knowing He has it all under control. When we realize we are special, and important to Him. When we put all our cares, and trust in Him, He then touches every area of our lives. He will be our healer not only to our physical being, but to our mental being. And with that, it enables Him to restore our relationships, as well as any unwanted inconceivable situation we find ourselves. He is a restorer to all aspects of our life… big, and small.

In our life, unwanted circumstances, when governed by our flesh incite disconcertment. We lose it…  All bearings, beliefs, and pottered being…, gone. Suddenly our lives are uncontrollable, spiraling into the walls of despair, with no opportunity to turn left, or right. God has formed you into this incredible being, and then inconvenient circumstances take it all away. We could try to change the circumstances, but what good would it do. Whether the fight be with man, or darkness, we should, instead, turn to God in prayer. In Psalm 37:4, we are told if we ponder on the word of God, and sanctify ourselves with the renowned goodness of God, He will then give us the desires of our heart. This holds true not only to our well-being, but the well-being of others. We should pray for those we encounter when their situations seem chaotic, or inconceivable. In Hebrew 4:16, it says let us approach God with confidence, so that we will receive the grace, and mercy of God when we are in need of His help. He can change hearts. And sometimes, in His own cognizant, He will intercede without the encouragement of our prayers. Out of love and concern, He will make our wrongs right. In Ezekiel 36, God, so frustrated with the Israelites, decided He would punish them no more. Instead, because of their ungodly behavior, He would show them, He is God, and change their hearts. They would look back, and see how shameful they had become within their actions, and, or way of life. If God can change the heart of a nation (which I believe He is doing today with all the scandals of sexual immorality), He can change the hearts in relationships. The how is in His almighty power. He has a pocketful of miracles for our problems, and unwanted situations. In Jeremiah 33:3, God spoke to Jeremiah and said, “Call to me and I will answer you, and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.” God sees, and knows all. So, we need not fear our circumstances, if we trust and truly believe in His mercy. Nor should we be afraid of His powers, all though it can seem eerie when He whispers secrets no one knows, or healings from impossible feats of reality. At times It scares even me… but I remember He is my father. He not only loves me, but will protect me, so I need not fear of His whispers, or what His course of action will be.  I simply abide in Him… Trust Him and wait on the holy spirit for guidance. I bear fruit. Like the fruit of the tree, it just appears. I abide in Him, and He gives me perfect peace as my mind is stayed on thee… not just on Sunday…but Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. He loves me. That’s it. Pure love.

If we trust Him too heal that which is unrelenting, we can trust He will keep us safe, and help us when we need help. Relationships and unwanted encounters, or situations are always difficult to endure. We need Him in our lives. It is impossible to stand the test without Him by our side.