For the weak, and proverbial people # Stay strong

Prior to my writings, I tend to jot down notes related to my subject matter. God moves me in the direction I should go, using devices such as scripture, or inspirational writings. Today, when revisiting my notes, I was confused as to which direction I had initially intended the piece to evolve. It was intended to be a piece regarding the difficulty in being a proverbial woman, but after reading the scripture, I had no insight on the matter. The guidelines according to scripture seemed straight forward. They were not unreasonable. So why had it been a questionable subject matter for me the week before? Still, not quite understanding the why of it all, I went to my bible app. I thought, maybe because I’d read it in one of those standard archaic versions, that this was the reason for my uneasiness relating to the subject, and why I felt it to be challenging. But still, nothing…  I then remembered how God, lately, was teaching me the art of submitting to my significant other, and so read Ephesians 5; but still again, nothing. Digging deeper, I recalled that week, I had also consulted the internet, and came across a blog written by a young woman who wrote a piece on “10 virtues of a Proverbs 31 woman”. It wasn’t until reading the note towards the end of her blog when the uneasiness, emerged once again. She shared how her husband had become ill, and out of frustration from his illness, was relieving his frustration onto his family, which in turn was making her home a not so happy one. And then it hit me. It wasn’t so much being a virtuous woman that was difficult, but the mountains that came against a virtuous woman, when trying to keep her home happy.

My whole reason for blogging is because for some of us, life can be merciless. And if we are not grounded in some way, or another, it can take its toll. If I’m in a crowded room, I will befriend the person who is sitting by themselves, or who appears sad and alone. In Philippians 2:4 it says, “Look not unto your own interest but to the interest of others.” The funny thing about it, and what I just come to realize, I do this automatically. And it can be annoying at times. Who wants to always see the sadness in others. But this is part of my calling. The enjoyment of it all is watching someone light up when seeing the conversation has moved them in some way, by putting their life into perspective. But not all people have it this easy. Some of us have a whole lot going on, where simple conversation just won’t do. Sometimes the pain is buried so deep, one sit down, just will not do…

I came across a book I bought for myself a long time ago called “The highly sensitive person,” by Elaine N. Aron. I had forgot all about this book, but obviously, at some point in my life realized my shortcomings. I am a totally different person now. I still have my sensitivities, but I don’t display them for target practice. Or at least, if it is used for target, it no longer pierces my heart. With the help of both my Heavenly Father, and my earthly father, I learned that I was born a strong woman, and should not take to abuse when exploited. But as Paul discovered in 2 Corinthians 12:10…, even though we may endure unpleasantries, when we stand with God, he gives us the strength to persevere. We become stronger, despite our sufferings. His spirit enveloping us, makes us strong. And so, with this strength, we should then use it to help others. In Romans 15, it explains we shouldn’t shy away from helping others when they are weak. Their weakness merely represents the lack of spirit in their own life. If through our shortcomings, we are made strong, this honor is a gift to be used wisely. Not in vain, but to be used to help others be strong.

Being exploited, in any way, where you are at a disadvantage clearly marks you as vulnerable, and unfortunately labeled as weak. So many of us encounter situations, or are in relationships which at times can be trying, or uncomfortable, to say the least. But when we find ourselves in positions such as these, it is time to yield the virtues of a Godly person, and persevere. Thessalonians 5:15 says, “encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, and be patient with everyone.” In effect, pray for those who persecute us, so they may be made strong as well…


Colossians 3: 12-17

12Therefore, as the elect of God, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with a heart of mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience, 13bearing with one another and forgiving one another, if someone happens to have a complaint against anyone else. Just as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also forgive others. 14And to all these virtues add love, which is the perfect bond. 15Let the peace of Christ be in control in your heart (for you were in fact called as one body to this peace), and be thankful. 16Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and exhorting one another with all wisdom, singing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, all with grace in your hearts to God. 17And whatever you do in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.