Persevering with Success

I wondered recently, what attributes produce success. I look at my life, and though I would consider myself successful, to a certain degree, I’ve yet to accomplish the more challenging goals laid out before me. Or should I say, those goals which God has placed in my heart. There are times when I think I should be doing more but feel as though I procrastinate. After putting in my 9 – 5, the first thing that comes to mind is R & R which unfortunately, at times, leads to a feeling of guilt…. But then, with God’s grace, He encourages me, and reminds me I am operating in His time and this is good. In 2 Peter 3: 8-9 and Habakkuk 2-3, we are asked to be patient, for the visions placed in our heart will come to pass, despite the long wait for it to manifest.

In general, woman, rarely have moments of pure relaxation…. But, then again, who does these days. I do know, if I am procrastinating, I am the most productive procrastinator I know. I may not be accomplishing my greatest feat, but I have accomplished a great many feats, none the less. There is always something that will need our attention, thereby lending our dream – goal oriented tasks to neglect, and, or a disturbed feeling of procrastination. We set out keeping God first and foremost; keeping a happy home; and keeping ourselves intact in the midst of everything going on in life.  I feel I start things, and rarely are able to finish what I started. Always distracted by other tasks. Passions in life require time, and commitment. Two of the things, I either do not have, or rather not do, for fear I will end up quitting anyway because of what I feel I do not have, which is of course, again is time. . . But this is a new dawn on my life. I feel God has anointed this time in my life and I am compelled to seek His presence, vigilantly, now more than ever. I want to achieve and produce amazing feats because God has done such amazing feats in my life. I guess like any child, you want to acknowledge the sacrifices made on your behalf and show your appreciation for what your parents have done for you.  I realize, if those desires, I want to accomplish are truly anointings from God, my Father, He will guide me to do what He has called me to do.  Whether it be raising my children, taking care of my parents, working in my profession, or realizing my humanitarian passions, God will make a way and guide my path to the destiny He willed for my life.

Success in anything we will do in life, no doubt requires hard work. Lack of time is not the only deterrent.  You can have the passion all day long, but if there is no motivation, or willingness to muster through the muddy waters, you will likely fail. Take my writing for instance. If it were not for God’s grace, assuredly, I would not be doing this today. I’ve had a passion for writing for a good 20 years, if not more. I’d start and stop. Start and stop. Never sticking to the task of completing a project. But as I started seeking God, earnestly, realizing without him life is so much more difficult, I then realized along the way, I was more successful in everything I did. And that which He placed on my heart became an even deeper desire. More like a need. It became part of me and was no longer a dream. This is when I realized dawn had come. Though I still had very little time to accomplish what I desired or needed to do, I had Him to lean on and guide me throughout my day. You hear others say God wants you to include him in everything you do. Well it’s not just so He, I don’t know, can take up more of your time. It truly benefits you. I get so much more accomplished when I seek him continuously throughout the day.  I say, “Lord you put this before me, and I don’t see how I ‘m going to be able to accomplish everything.” “I need your help.” “Order my steps today.” Simple as that, and He guides me to the areas I need to address first. I finish with the first task, and then ask him what I should do next, and the Holy spirit guides me. Till I suddenly realize, I have accomplished so much, while still managing to get some rest (which is by the way, very important to me). He is so amazing! Now don’t get me wrong, it’s still hard work, but it’s so much more enjoyable, and much more rewarding when you do it in the midst of seeking God. The hour and a half commute to work, which everyone seems to dread, feels like half an hour when I’m praising him, or catching up with family members on the phone. The worry as to whether, or not I will forfeit rest for productivity, no longer a concern. He just orders my steps, prioritizes my schedule, and to my amazement I feel better than ever, accomplishing all that I set out to do, including my passions.

As it states in Psalms 16:3, if you commit, or seek God regarding the work set before you, it will be successful because you sought him. He would not give us a task, or responsibility, or blessing and not support us in what we do. When He said He will not leave or forsake us, it was meant in every aspect of our life. We are called for a purpose. Whether it is the purpose of raising our children; keeping a pleasant home for our family; building upon in our career the talents God so graciously instilled in us; good will come because it was willed by God and guided by the Holy spirit. We should never feel as though accomplishments are impossible, because as we all know, all things are possible with God. Run your race with enthusiasm. Delight yourself in His amazing mercy and see what He has in store for you….