Peaceful Ideologies

It is so easy to get caught up in the moment and become angry with someone when they have slighted or served us an injustice. Our emotions are flaring to and fro and the last thing we want to be is agreeable. But, as we all know, this type of energy…, harboring angry thoughts and contemplating vindictive actions, can be damaging to our spirit. If, in the midst of our turmoil, something miraculously propels us back and compels us to take a look at our actions, while simultaneously being dealt a handful of wisdom, we would rethink and alter those actions to save peace. For to avoid or mend the brokenness from adverse circumstances, it would behoove us, as said in Ephesians 4: 2-3, to “be completely humble and gentle; … patient, bearing with one another in love…[m]ak[ing] every [possible] effort… [in] keep[ing] the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.” Some would say this would be very easy if the people we dealt with weren’t so unreasonable. Or if the actions which were taken against us were not so horrific. If we could find it in our heart to forgive them.  Or even, when being accountable, if we did not always want to be right and prove our point. But if we trusted our God to help us in all other circumstances, we should trust that if we make every effort to be cordial and not antagonistic towards the other person, He would make the effort to allow us to bear the injustice inflicted upon us, thereby rewarding us with peace beyond understanding.   “[Our]flesh and [our]heart may fail [in doing what is right by God], but God is the strength of [our] heart and [our] portion forever (Psalm 73:26).” “[We]…can do all things in Christ who strengthens [us] (Philippians 4:13).”

This week God has led me on an amazing journey full of discoveries and Aha moments. Watching YouTube and listening to many prominent speakers, I found the ultimate search for many of us was the search for self-purpose and inner peace. When we realize our inner strength and rise above our self we find peace even though at times our ego, or flesh make it very difficult to do so.  It is not always easy to turn the other cheek. We want to be right, or prove they were wrong, depending on the circumstance. We want to set the record straight.  Correct the person who has wronged us. Basically, convict them and teach them a lesson. But God wants us to turn it over to him. We are not the judge of those who hurt us. As I always say, we do not know how this person came to be the person they were when they wronged us. Only God knows. Therefore, for us to judge someone whose story we do not fully know or understand would be wrong. For all we know their injustice could very well have been the product of an injustice inflicted towards them.  We have all sinned or wronged someone in some capacity at some point in our life. Would any of us be worthy to cast stone at any of our trespassers? I think not. So then, because we are weak in all capacities, our flesh being the major culprit, we go to God and we ask for strength to step away from circumstances which urge us to retaliate against one another. In 1 Peter2:12, it reads “Keep your conduct among the gentiles honorable, so that when they speak against you as evildoers, they may see your good deeds and glorify God…” So just as we hope for peace in our own lives we must hope that those we come up against will also find the peace which they so obviously lack. And the only way to convey that peaceful way of life is to walk the path Jesus walked and be an example. Be the bigger person. And yes, being the bigger person can be overrated. You may find yourself in the same predicament time and time again. But if the one time you decide your situation is so unfair you cannot bear the injustice, is the one time your opposer is open to receive and account for his actions, and you have failed him, your opposer, you have also failed God.  For in Matthew 25:45 Jesus assures us, “…inasmuch as [we do] not do …. [for] the least of[them], [we do] not do it [for Him].” And this will be our judgement to bear from someone much higher than ourselves.

Let’s remember peace as a gift as Jesus proclaims in John 14:27. A gift which covers and protects our hearts and mind. That, if thoughts and actions are focused on Him…, our God, rather than our circumstance, He will give to us peace because we trust Him to make it right (Isaiah 26;3). A tranquil moment in time which surpasses understanding and guards our heart and mind despite the circumstances (Philippians 4:7). An aura which implores our inner being to be patient in spirit rather than proud (Ecclesiastes 7:8). Avoiding the notion to prove ourselves right, at the expense of proving others wrong. Let us practice the art of mercy as our Father has practiced upon us so that others will come to know the love of our Father. So they too can be changed to finally know him and then go out into the world to be an example to others who were once like us and did not know.