Are You trustworthy?


Trust is crucial in a relationship. If there is no trust, the most crucial segment which holds a relationship together is impaired. Like a foundation, if the soil, exemplifying the participating members in the relationships mental and emotional capacity to bind, is not solid, it can easily be violated and fall apart. Whether the brokenness is due to a lack of knowledge of the participating party, or too much thereof.  Or whether it is due to a past, or a multitude of events which led to an experience of great pain, regardless, it can cause considerable damage and be very difficult to repair. Worst of all, when the motive to trust is only for personal gain, then the trust suddenly turns into a masquerade of selfish endeavors, and one can then, only concede, it isn’t trustworthy at all.

Trust, defined as placing one’s confidence. To believe, that someone, or something, will be, or do, who, or what they say they will be or do.  If you’ve ever experienced a broken trust in someone, you know, it is difficult to regain. And if, given the opportunity, the person seeking the trust would constantly find themselves conducting a multitude of test before ever giving in, for fear of being hurt again. The parties are suddenly strangers and the elephant in the room is bigger than ever. Quite possibly could be the reason for the extensive trial and tribulations set before us. God would not trust us with that which is so precious to Him, if he were not certain we were in it for the right reasons.  Being committed is second in command to trust, and both are needed to stand the test of time.

God knows we are imperfect people. So as a safety net, he teaches us to trust him, and only him. All pain is easily avoided, when we set our eyes on Him. When we place our trust in Him, suddenly the pain and sufferings are no more. His love, coupled with our trust in Him, yields a shield of protection, which depending on the foundation, cannot be moved. If for all the right reasons you find yourself in this place, consider yourself blessed. If the reason you trust in him, is because you know without a shadow of a doubt, he loves you, and he will always be there for you…And because of this you are forever grateful for this merciful Love…. Then because of His unconditional love, your worries will be no more. And he in turn will entrust you to be a conduit for his love, mercy, and generosity, unconditionally helping others as He helped us. It is this remarkable milestone in life, solely trusting God, and God trusting us, that makes life truly worth living. Beyond any human experience.

It took a lot for me to fully trust God. It is my greatest and most treasured accomplishment, aside from bearing my child. It gives me the freedom to soar. It gives me the confidence to know and feel, I am somebody and that someone loves me enough to supply all my needs. He takes my fear away. He heals me by the blood of his only son, and through His Spirit, I am free. He loves me unconditionally and forgives me, even in my worst moments. He makes me a better person and is always there when I need Him. He is my father and now my most trusted friend for life.