
The Love of God…, an amazing feeling, which if believed, can move …unsurmountable mountains. Heal… the most wounded of hearts. And encourage and guide, those of us who are lost and disenchanted by the afflictions of life. With this love, amazing feats can be accomplished. But more so, with this love, if instilled in the lives of two people who care deeply for one another, can teach them, there is nothing more precious than the love they share for each other. And when given, on top of these teachings, the amazing gift of insight from the Holy spirit, if receptive, the spirit will always be there to help and guide them, if they are not hardened by the intrusion, but rather embraced by what it truly is… a gift of love.

I watch the love relationships within my family, where they involve the love of a man and a woman. So many obstacles, and mountains we encounter when we agree to come as one. Even if ordained by God, life still floors us with the unexpected… The unwanted. Many times, looking as though it is the end… Having us wonder what we have done, where we went wrong, and how it can be fixed.  And though we attempt to heed the warnings, speculating the union between a man and a woman is no bed of roses, ironically it is not what we anticipate going in to the union, because we recall the love initially shared and felt by us both.  Innocently forgetting, though we have been bought together as one, to live in one accord; we are still at the end of the day… individuals. Individuals with very different personalities, upbringings, and mindsets. But if we truly come to one accord as in Philippians 2:1-30 , “ …[with] encouragement [from] Christ, … comfort from love, … participation in the Spirit, …affection and sympathy, [we can be] complete[d] [with the ]… joy [of] … being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. [If we] [d]o nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than [ourselves]. [If we] … look not only to [our] own interests, but also to the interests of others [, we may] [h]ave this mind among [each other], which is [ours] in Christ Jesus, [uninhibited and in one accord] …


And so, never underestimate the love of God and how the spirit of our Lord Jesus can work in our lives. I continue to profess every day, if those that never knew him only knew what I have come to realize and experience in abiding in the shelter of His Most High, they would latch on to him and never let go.  He will indeed test your endurance.  But I believe He feels if you can walk through the fire and not give up, you can get through anything and not turn around for the journey will get easier and be more profound. Meaning if you thought you were in love at the beginning, just wait to see what you feel after you have been through some things which were beyond your control and you survived. You stood your ground, did not whimper, or run away, but prayed and hid in the shadows of the Almighty, putting your trust in him because he is your God (Psalm 91).  Embrace Life…. Embrace Love …. Challenge that which comes against you, with the many gifts God’s grace and the Holy Spirit provides you with so that ultimate gift, the gift of love will abound.