My Achilles Heel

When I look at the world, and that which influence our lives, I first think of God, then science, and then something of a gray matter, which I will call the spiritual realm. And in this realm, I would say, consist of spirits of darkness, and then our own spiritual existence. With the assistance of the spirits of darkness, negativity flourishes, and at times will take hold of our own spirituality, causing massive confusion. I believe many of us become caught in a web within the spiritual realm of others, which in turn, can lead to some form of destruction, if not careful. Due to this web of destruction, we no longer have control over our own subconscious, and so, it confines us. Makes us insecure. Instills fear and doubt in our minds. Just as much as we need to know God, we also need to know our enemy, and how he works. So, although, my lot in life is a quest for a deeper understanding and spiritual connection with God, it sometimes will include the quest for a deeper understanding of the spirits of darkness, and those influences surrounding us. For ultimately, it is these which hinder us from becoming who God created us to be.

Influences which inhabit our bodies can be tricky. We want to account for our behavior, but again, sometimes it is not always our choice as to how we react to certain situations. Especially when it involves and effects the contentment of others. There was a time, I would be hesitant in saying that a person’s spirit, or, for lack of a better word, influence, could incorporate our bodies, and proceed to take over our minds. Who of us want to believe that a person can have that much hold over us? It is one thing to be manipulated physically, but when someone can influence your judgement, it not only becomes a matter of control, but violation. Because we are told our decisions are free of our own choice, we do not consider the foreign influences which may stealth inside us. It is a harder fight when you do not know, who, or what you are fighting, than when you are aware of who you are up against. When a person’s spirit, whether near, or far, can manipulate your thinking, life can be a lot more exhausting then we all bargain for. There have been several instances in my life where people confessed their motives, which in turn, eerily coincided with my previous subconscious bout, where I had had a recent sense, or feeling, someone or something regarding the very same circumstance was manipulating my thinking. I found many people who had this effect on me were avid controllers, and manipulators. All very congenial on the outside, but if paid attention, the apparent control issues reserved for timely matters, which inevitably were incomprehensible, would be revealed.

Years ago, when viewing the news, there seemed to be an array of instances, similar to this, which intrigued me. Nice people… loving moms, straight “A” students, Godly people, taking a turn for the worse, and involving themselves in horrific acts against themselves, and, or their loved ones. I would say to myself, if only I could ask them who in their lives had a stake in what they were doing. Who did they make angry because they were not living, or doing what was expected of them? My father once said to me “Live a good life, but more importantly, try not to piss anyone off.” It stuck with me, and today I see precisely what he meant. And too, a lot of times, like in Matthew 16:23, when Jesus revealed he had to go to Jerusalem to die, and Peter was beside himself, urging him not to go…, there are some who, whether subconsciously, or consciously begin a crusade to protect , what they believe to be a vested interest in someone else’s life. Despite their motive, whether selfish, or out of love, and concern for the other person’s wellbeing, it is manipulative and sinful if they obsess thoughts of redirection, and, or demise for that person. We cannot judge another person’s actions simply because we do not agree with them. As it says in Romans 14: 1-23, our beliefs are no better than our brethren beliefs. And the only person who has the authority to pass judgement is God. We all have ideals we passionately believe in our heart. But, until that person believes otherwise, it is no one’s right to come against them. Peter ‘s direct reaction to Jesus’ revelation alerted Jesus of his confusion, and realized it was of the devil, and so responded, “Get thee behind me satan.”   Peter did not consider the factor of God’s calling. He allowed satan to cloud his judgement, not knowing this was Jesus’ calling to die for our sins. But this, was an obvious attack. If this were capitalized in the spiritual realm, where it would not be so obvious, our only choice would be to try and understand the thoughts in our mind which unknowingly were instilled by other elements. We then would believe, either something was wrong with us, or…, we would make decisions which were not our own., or both… now giving way to confusion, because we not only have God directing our steps, but this other spiritual being directing our steps as well. And yes, the devil can use other people to influence us. But, all in all, if these people are in our circle, and are influenced to do harm against us, but appear to be sheep in the natural, we need to know what we are up against. Though for many of us we can be strong, there are some who contemplate suicide because of this confusion, or who kill their children because of this confusion, so on and so on… We need to know and sympathize with others who appear confused in their dilemma’s, and realize ourselves, the torment some may go through is not necessarily from their own destruction, but the wrath of someone’s selfishness.

Have you ever not done something someone wanted you to do in regard to your own life, and felt their wrath? I believe these are the last mysteries of life which are strictly taboo. And, I say all this not to put fear in our minds, but to make us aware of those we come in contact. Science has an answer for everything, but sometimes there is no answer, just the relevance of it being what it is in our subconscious, and the truth which is revealed, if pursued persistently to find the answer. Just as it was with Jesus, it is with us today, confusion setting in for some, who then in turn develop this animosity towards others, bringing into our lives unexplainable wrath. The wrath which for me, at one time consumed my body. But now I realize some of the decisions, and actions I took were influenced, more so, by the wrath of others. My Achilles is being receptive to all this due to my sensitivity, and naive compassion for others.  Over the years I’ve gotten stronger, and can now pick up on issues such as this. But I want people to know not to be hard on themselves. They can become strong and become who God created them to be despite those who consistently come against them. Because of God’s spirituality in me, I can see the confusion, others may not. But both influences being somewhat inaudible, has the capability to lead to perhaps thinking God is against me. This, followed by audible wraths of confusion, can be convincing. And because I know I am not alone, these are the people who I want to set free, and let them know, one…., they are not alone, and two…, they can be healed. Science and the definitions why some may hear actual voices, or do the things they do, are not always black and white. Sometimes, like the love of God, and his heavenly existence, we have to incorporate the unknown to survive, even if we do not understand. I could have very well been considered bipolar (and to some, I was), but without a shadow of a doubt, I know now, it wasn’t a, “chemical imbalance” as some labeled, but the influence of someone’s wrath. Whether they were influenced by the devil, and in turn influenced me, neither here nor there…. They subconsciously led me…, vulnerable to the spirit world, and in turn affected my being. But I fight to the death with the help of my God, for I know he loves me and will not leave me, despite how it may seem on the inside.

Being aware of our Achilles empowers us. As they say, I cannot change those against me, but I can change who I am, and become strong. Guard my heart when something does not feel right. Push forward, even when confusion sets in, and I cannot understand why. Confusion is the key. We will never live the life God intended us to live if we are unaware of our enemies, or those with selfish motives, or more importantly, unaware of our calling… Our Achilles heel could be our sensitivity, and, or obligation to others, and the people we love… It could be addictions; we cannot let go. But if we call on our heavenly father, the only being who is truly looking out for us, we can live a fruitful and prosperous life. I know now when he communicates to me it is soft, like a brush of wind. A flash of revelation. A warm embrace… A happy feeling of knowing. Unexplainable tears, or joys of laughter, all void of confusion. My Achilles will no longer be my demise, but my strength, for when I am weak, then I am strong…. Happy New Year’s!!


Hello… Venturing into new avenues the start of the year. I believe the Lord is allowing me leave of absence, so depending on my schedule, may or may not be back until possibly June. Until then, have a wonderful start to the New year, and remember God Loves you so very much. He is just a whisper away if you seek him wholeheartedly…. May peace be with you wherever you go… CWB