Something to talk about…

“Declare his glory among the nations, His marvelous works among all the people… (Psalms 96:3).”  To have this opportunity…, to declare God’s goodness is a blessing in more ways than one. It first gives us the incentive to be mindful of the goodness he produces in our life. To anticipate His marvelous works.  But moreover, it allows others the blessing of hearing firsthand, how great, and powerful He is … still is, in our life. When we speak of God’s goodness and shout it to the rooftop, we are so elated it can be heard in our voices. Our whole demeanor changes once the thought of God’s goodness crosses our mind. Others, then, are able to see, and feel as well, his blessings manifested in our life. It is exciting…. seeing and hearing the works of God in the lives of others. If they are aware of his goodness and mercy in your life, then they know, just as it worked out for you, it can work out for them as well in their own.

Patience is a virtue. A character, which if possessed, will allow you to see tomorrow, if God wills it, with dignity. I look back on the times I’ve lost patience with God, or myself really, and wondered, when will I do for myself what is needed. When will I persevere through the tougher times in life. I’m not talking about the times when there was no opposition, like writing a book…. Or looking for a job… These feats take stamina…staying power. Once you start, you continue until you are finished.  No…, I’m talking about those times, within those times, when we felt as though the walls were closing in all around us, and we could not breathe.  When the powers of darkness convinced us, we would not accomplish what we set out to do. Convinced us we would not accomplish what God has willed for in our life. Or when we felt like we took a wrong turn in life, and there’s no way we can get back on course. Or our character has been attacked and we believe all hope is gone…The times we feel like our only option is to jump ship. To give up and take a safer, less opposing path.  “[But, it is these times we] …need to persevere so that when …[we] have done the will of God, …[we] will receive what He has promised (Hebrews 10:36).” We need to allow ourselves time. Time to grow, to learn, to think, and to receive the grace He so lovingly bestows upon us in order to achieve what He has instilled in us to achieve. God discloses to us a plan he has for our life, but if we are not patient, we will never see it come to pass.

Of course, we could, as I have witnessed countless times, view the same scenic route around the mountain, and never achieve the ultimate promise. But then what would we have to shout about? What fun would that be? I fancy the notion, God shielding me with his favor. I look forward to those times when he works in my life. In fact, It’s like a game. Life is so discouraging at times but knowing this gives me the grace to kick a bad feeling every time. I remind myself, One …. “This too shall pass.” … And Two …., once it’s all said and done, there’s no doubt, I will have something to shout to the roof tops… Something to praise my heavenly Father in doing what he does best in my life. I will have, in all his wondrous glory and marvelous works … something to talk about.