Love Honor and Respect

Love is a gift from God. The most treasured gift ever. In 1 Corinthians, it says, of all the gifts, Love is the greatest gift. The love we have for our family is an experience worth living. Even in the worst of times, when we aren’t very loving toward one another, there is no other, like the love of family. Our hearts, filled with lingering memories, for each one of them…, tucked away…., in safe keeping. A little miniature home, which reminds us we are relative to each other.


But what happens when that feeling becomes questionable?  When we feel unloved…, abandoned even, and the love we once knew, feels as though it has been swallowed by some unforgiving darkness. Where any external glimmer we might have is shadowed by clouds of despair and distrust. Where hope for a stable relationship is gone and the only hope, we have stems from the never-ending unconditional love of God. If we are not careful, despite our faith and the expectations of our Father fixing whatever is needed to repair, the vision of how this came to be, can fill our minds with utter chaos and confusion.


The prospects of being unappreciated and loosing that which is familiar is overwhelming. As strong as our faith may be, the lingering sense of betrayal is trying.   The moments we once cherished are painted over in rays of pain, hopelessness, and bewilderment.  No matter, be it the love of a parent, sibling, child, or spouse the struggle is real. It is unfortunate though, when the trouble rest between a man and a woman, for some, it is much easier to relinquish, than say, that of a blood relative. It goes without saying, for they are our blood. And although, in that respect, however apparent, it still would never right the wrong felt in our hearts.


We always want our significant others to stand with us through thick and thin, despite the lack of bloodline.  After all, that is what being committed is all about between a man and a woman. It is two strangers committed to becoming one, regardless.  Never treating the other as though they only matter in a contractual sense…abiding by all their demands. Or, never resting on preconceived expectations, as we burden our loved ones with guilt.  Never even, using our hopes and lifelong dreams as an excuse to be uncompromising and distant. And most of all, it is never betraying the other’s trust. But for many of us these situations occur, and we must be strong. It is in times like these God, our father, his Son, and the Holy spirit can become a relative example and force of strength to overcome it all, whatever the circumstance.


God’s teachings stress love. His greatest commandment is first to love Him with all our heart, soul and mind (Matthew 22:37). But the second greatest, Jesus teaches, is to love our neighbor as ourselves. None of which are truly relative to us, yet warrant the same love, respect and honor as if they were related. And maybe the reason relationships go astray and lack the tenacity to endure difficult circumstances is because if we are to love our neighbors as ourselves, and we don’t love ourselves, or even know how to love, because we were never shown love when we were younger… then any love would be lost to start.  On the flip side, we cannot seek from others, what we, ourselves fail to give them. Sometimes when a person doesn’t show love, it’s because they are broken. But if God positioned us in this circumstance, it is up to us to act upon his greatest instruction and persevere. I Corinthians 13:7 reads love always protects, always trust, always hopes, and always perseveres. If this is our burden to bear, then so it is until we are released from our calling. God gives us the strength to endure. For all those who are heavy laden, “ May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus, that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Romans 15:5-6 If it’s love … true love…, then there should be nothing which stands between you and the relationship. Just as strong the love for a relative, so should be the true love of your significant other….



Love, like a seal over our heart which cannot be removed, anchored and stronger than death… The belonging, the passion which burns like fire…. So much so it can not be put out with water, not even if swept away in the deepest river… It can’t even be given away for a price… for it is priceless (Song of Songs 8: 6-7)